The time to prepare for our storm season is now. Whilst we can’t predict what Mother Nature throws at us, we can try to be as prepared as possible.
Our team at Tomoro has compiled a list for you to review now and get your family and property storm season ready. Most items you can get checked off over the course of a weekend. Get to it!
One of the most important steps to take in getting your home Summer Storm Ready is clearing your home’s gutters. When a storm hits you can see a large amount of water and sometimes debris hit your home in a short period of time, having your gutters clean and clear will allow the water to drain efficiently away from your property and into your stormwater drain.
Trimming your close or overhanging tree branches can ensure you’re doing your best to avoid any potential breaks or damage to your property from falling tree branches in a storm.
While you’re cleaning the gutters, take a look at your roof. Any visible signs of damage that need repairing? Even small holes can quickly become big problems when a storm hits. So repair any loose tiles, eaves and screws now - or hire a local professional to get the job done.
With storm season and the reliance on air conditions over Summer taxing our power grid, it’s predicted power outage events will increase across Australia. Create a place in your home that is equipped with a few items to see you through a power outage. Items like candles, matches, batteries, torches and bottled water will come in handy when you have a few hours of no electricity.
If your area is prone to power outages you could invest in a standby generator to support your property through a power outage, a gas BBQ or camp cooker and you could also look at buying a power surge protector to keep your appliances safe.
Coming into storm season is a great time for a big garden clean up. Get those bushes trimmed, sweep up all the debris leh over from Winter, take a pile of rubbish to the tip. Look around your yard as you do this: is there plenty of outdoor furniture, gardening equipment or kids toys? See what you can move inside for the Summer season, or have a plan to quickly secure or move these items when you know a storm is on the way.
Do you have a “grab-and-go” bag packed? With our unpredictable Aussie Summer taking some time to create a bag with some essential everyday items if you need to leave your property in a rush, will be worthwhile.
Here’s some items to consider packing in your storm ready bag:
Do you know what you would do in the unlikely event you get cut off from your home or your family needs to evacuate? Talk about it with your family and create a plan. In an emergency, what is the plan, where will you go, what will you take? Consider all your family members and pets and know who is responsible for what. This can save valuable time in the moment if you ever have to make these decisions.
In Australia there is a state emergency service (SES) to help you when you need it following an extreme weather event, a bushfire or flood. In every state you can call 132 500 (except the NT) and you will be connected to your state or territory’s SES. Put this number in your phone now. If your situation is life-threatening, call triple zero (000).
In a natural emergency or weather disaster do you know where to go if you can’t get home? Typically there will be spots around town for you to grab some sandbags and help prevent any flooding to your home also. Know where they are and make a plan to access them in the event of a storm.
In the unfortunate event of an extreme weather event and damage to your property or belongings, you want to know what your insurance will cover. Before the weather strikes, take time to understand your policy by reading through it and talking with your insurance provider. Ask a lot of questions and see what else you can potentially be covered for.
By taking some preventative measures now you could be ensuring your home remains damage free over the Summer storm season and you and your family are clear on what to do in an extreme weather event.
At Tomoro we’d like all the members of our local community to keep safe and secure over the Summer storm season. If you have any suggestions or questions about preparing your property, let us know in the comments or contact our team today. Voila! You’re done. Enjoy the fresh, clean house and pat yourself on the back.